Operator Algebra Conjecture 3  Recognition  

Operator Algebra

Conjecture 3 




Total of words is finite at a certain time.


Total of being generated sentences is infinite at a certain time.


Recognition of total words is practical for its finiteness.


Recognition of total of being generated sentences is uncertain for its infinity.


For guarantee of recognition of words and sentences, finiteness is indispensable condition.


From the viewpoint of guarantee of recognition, uncertainty of total’s infinity at sentences is demanded.


From the correspondence with classification of von Neumann algebra, total of sentences is concerned with <properly infinite>, not concerned with <purely infinite>.


Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Conjecture 1 / Finiteness in Infinity on Language / Tokyo February 10, 2008

Tokyo March 23, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Operator Algebra Conjecture 2 Grammar

Operator Algebra

Conjecture 2




Word E and are seemed to be complex local vertex space.


Set of all continuous linear map from E to F     L  ( EF )


E and F are norm space.


E and F are Banach space.


Linear map x : E → is bounded.


Now bounded linear map x is called operator.


Operator x is seemed to be grammar between words E and F.

Tokyo March 2, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Operator Algebra Conjecture 1 Order of Word 

Operator Algebra

Conjecture 1

Order of Word 


1 Root of Language is word.

2 Word is a function. It is called word function, abbreviated to WF.

3 WF is holomorphic.

4 In WF, differential and integral is commutative on order relation.

5 Word has meaning.

6 Meaning is led by differential of word. This situation is called <horizontal>.

7 Word makes sentence.

8 Sentence is led by integral of word. This Situation is called <vertical>.

9 Word has order of operation on differential and integral.


†On <horizontal> and <vertical>, refer to the next.

Place where Quantum of Language Exists / Tokyo July 18, 2004

Tokyo February 16, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Operator Algebra Note 4 Frame Operator 

Operator Algebra

Note 4

Frame Operator 



Hilbert space     H

Sequence of points in H     {xn}

Certain constants     0 < ≦ B < ∞

x ∈ H

A ||x||2 ≦∑|<xxn>|2 ≦ ||x||2

{xn} is frame.

A is lower bound.

B is upper bound.


x ∈ H

<xxn>||xn|| is convergent.

S : x ↦ ∑<xxn>xsatisfies S≦ B.

is frame operator.


Frame / Tokyo February 27, 2005

More details, Quantum Theory for Language Map 1

Frame-Quantum Theory / Tokyo March 12, 2005

More details, Frame-Quantum Theory Map 2

Tokyo April 2, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Operator Algebra Note 3 Self-adjoint and Symmetry 

Operator Algebra

Note 3

Self-adjoint and Symmetry 


Hilbert space     H, K

Operator from H to K     A

Domain of A    dom A

Graph of A     G ( A ) : = { x ⊕ Ax ; x ∈ A }

Operators     AB

A ⊂ B : = G ( A ) ⊂ G ( B )

Minimum of B containing A     Closure of A, described by Ā

Now closure of dom A = H

Operator from H to H     Operator over H

x ∈ H    <xAy> = <x’, y>


A* that is operator over H     A* is adjoint operator of A

When A ⊂ A*       A is symmetric operator.

When A = A*         A is self-adjoint operator.

When Ā = A**        A is essentially self-adjoint.


Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Distance / Tokyo October 26, 2007

Theme / Peak Symmetry and Infinity / Tokyo February 3, 2008

Tokyo April 1, 2008

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Conjecture 1

Finiteness in Infinity on Language


1 Total of words is finite at a certain point of time.

2 Total of finite words combination, phrase, is probably finite.

3 Sentence is free combination of words. So total of sentences is seemed to be infinite.

4 Now cognition of sentence is probably seemed to be based on finite condition of language.

5 If sentences be really infinite, cognition of them is at last seemed to be impossible.

6 Sentence’s appearance of infinity is possibly finite, or finite in infinite.

7 From freeness on generation of sentence, sentence is radically infinite and from cognition of that, sentence is seemed to be a certain type of finite in infinity.


Subdivision / Tokyo April 10, 2005

Algebraic Linguistics /Linguistic Result /Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence /Tokyo September 10, 2007

Tokyo February 10, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language


[Basis February 26, 2008]

Operator Algebra / Note 1 / Differential Operator and Symbol / Tokyo February 24, 2008

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Note 2

Quantum Group


1 <Cartan matrix>

Base field     K

Finite index set     I

Square matrix that has elements by integer     = ( aij )i, j  I

Matrix that satisfies the next is called Cartan matrix.

ij ∈ I

(1) aii = 2

(2) aij ≤ 0  ( j )

(3) aij = 0 ⇔ aji = 0

2 <Symmetrizable>

Cartan matrix     = (aij)ij I

Family of positive rational number    {di}iI

Arbitrary i, jI    diaij djaji

A is called symmetrizable.

3 <Fundamental root data>

Finite dimension vector space     h

Linearly independent subset of h     {hi}iI

Dual space of h     h*= HomK (hK )

Linearly independent subset of h*     {αi} iI

Φ = {h, {hi}iI, {αi} i}

Cartan matrix A = {αi(hi)} I, jI

Φis called fundamental root data of that is Cartan matrix.

4 <Standard form>

Symmetrizable Cartan matrix    = (aij)ij I

Fundamental root data     {h, {hi}iI, {αi} i}

E = αh*

Family of positive rational number     {di}iI

diaij djaji

Symmetry bilinear form over E     ( , ) : E×E → K     ( (α,α) = diaij )

The form is called standard form.

5 <Lattice>

n-dimensional Euclid space    Rn

Linear independent vector     v1, …, vn

Lattice of Rn     m1v1+ … +mnvn     ( m1, …, mn ∈ Z )

Lattice of h     hZ

6 <Integer fundamental root data>

From the upperv3, 4 and 5, the next three components are defined.

(Φ, ( , ), h)

When the components satisfy the next, they are called integer fundamental root data.

 ∈ I

(1)  ∈ Z

(2) αhz ) ⊂ Z

(3) t:=  hi ∈ hz

7 <Associative algebra>

Vector space over K     A

Bilinear product over K     A×A → A

When A is ring, it is called associative algebra.

8 <Similarity>

Integer     m

t similarity of m    [m]t

[m]= tmtm / t– t-1

Integer   m  mn≧0

Binomial coefficient     (mn)

t similarity of m!     [m]t! = [m]t! [m-1]t!…[1]t

t similarity of (mn)    [mn]t = [m]t! / [n]t! [mn]t!

[m0] = [mm]t = 1

8 <Quantum group>

Integer fundamental root data that has Cartan matrix = ( aij )i, j  I

      Ψ = ((h, {hi}iI, {αi} i), ( , ), h)

Generating set     {Kh}hh∪{EiFi}iI

Associative algebra U over K (q), that is defined the next relations, is called quantum group associated with Ψ.

(1) khkh = kh+h     ( hh’∈hZ )

(2) k0 = 1

(3) KhEiKqαi(h)Ei    hhZ , i)

(4) KhFiKqαi(h)Fi   hhZ , i)

(5) Ei Fj – FjEi ij  Ki – Ki-1 qi – qi-1     ( i , j)

(6) p [1-aijp]qiEi1-aij-pEjEip = 0     ( i , jI , i ≠)

(7) p [1-aijp]qiFi1-aij-pFjFip = 0     ( i , ji ≠)


Parameter in K is thinkable in connection with the concept of <jump> at the paper Place where Quantum of Language exists / 27 /.

Refer to the next.

Place where Quantum of Language exists / Tokyo July 18, 2004

Tokyo February 9, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language


Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Note 1

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra


1 <Cartan matrix>

Base field     K

Finite index set     I

Square matrix that has elements by integer     = ( aij )i, j  I

Matrix that satisfies the next is called Cartan matrix.

ij ∈ I

(1) aii = 2

(2) aij ≤ 0  ( j )

(3) aij = 0 ⇔ aji = 0

2 <Fundamental root data>

Finite dimension vector space     h

Linearly independent subset of h     {hi}iI

Dual space of      h*= HomK (hK )

Linearly independent subset of h*     {αi} iI

Φ = {h, {hi}iI, {αi} i}

Cartan matrix A = {αi(hi)} I, jI

Φis called fundamental root data of that is Cartan matrix.

3 <Lie algebra>

Cartan matrix A = {αi(hi)} I, jI

Fundamental root data Φ what A is Cartan matrix     Φ = {h, {hi}iI, {αi} i}

Lie algebra that is generated by {ah}hh ∪{,i }iI     (Φ)

(Φ) satisfies the next.

hh’ ∈ h   c ∈ K   i, j ∈ I

aah’ ah+h

cah ach

[ahah] = 0

[ahi] = αi(h)i

[ah,i] = -αi(h)i

[i ,i] = ijahi

4 <Kac-Moody Lie algebra>

Subset of (Φ)     {ad(i)1-aij(j), ad(i)1-aij(j)|i,jI}

Ideal of the subset   r0(Φ)

r0(Φ) = r0+(Φ) ⊕ r0(Φ)

max(Φ) = (Φ)/ r0(Φ)

max(Φ) is Lie algebra by definition.

max(Φ) is called Kac-Moody Lie algebra attended with fundamental root data max(Φ).

Tokyo February 7, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of Language
